Monday, April 21, 2014



Obituary. What a word right. I mean, this is tangible evidence of your death. Your life, written someone else. So this whole blog idea started with my obituary. 

this is a picture of me dead.^
A crane. Landlocked. Stephen (husband) says that this is actually a Blue Herring. Either way, this is a water bird stuck in my field getting ready to die.

Ok. For the record I am not actually dying right now.I am also not a crane. It is a visual metaphor.  I always joked (not really) that I wanted to be cremated and dusted into an urn painted like the cover of Led Zeppelin's second album and put on a rotating schedule to be displayed on each of my children's mantle like one of those traveling art shows. Then I wanted to be cremated into diamonds. It can be done 

All of these most fantastic things in death would be for nigh if no one actually knew who I was in life. Who would write my obituary? Would it be one of my kids? Would it even be very good? Then to my horror I wondered if any of my kids really knew me at all. What about others that I love and care about. Would someone write a mediocre one size fits all 3 paragraph life story that forgot to highlight all the things that I think define me? 

So I started writing my own obituary. I guess this is both a little vain and a little morbid, but I was making myself pretty awesome. No really. After a while though something started to gnaw at me. I was writing this out because I sort of felt like I was actually fading away. Who was I anyhow? A mom? A wife? A caged animal? Why couldn't I just settle down, calm down? Why did I run so hard for so long? Why were my feet always itching to get away still? My life is good, I know it is. This will sound super cliche' but I started wondering if I even knew who I was at all. Did I even have a purpose? So now, after starting something I thought was going to help others to "get" me I was forcing me to "get" me. Lame.

So this blog will be a tale of rhyme or reason to the posts. I will dabble in my past and enjoy my present. I will give the truths as I see them which will be about 75% real and 25% real awesome. I don't know if that is the purpose of a blog, but for me and my story it will have to do. So welcome! Join me while I am Anchored in Roam.  

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