Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Top 10 Things People Say to Me When They Find Out I Have 7 Kids

Top 10 Responses I get When I Say 7

At some point in life you have to be able to quit taking yourself seriously. For me, this is pretty much daily. I mean, sweet Mary and Joseph, why on earth would any human buy five 12 pack boxes or Cliffbars, eight 8 packs of Go-Squeeze, and 40 bananas AND 60 apples in one trip to the grocery store unless they had a herd of kids! Never mind all the damn deli meat! So one of the highlights of my life is watching how people respond to the size of my brood. You are right, it is absolutely insane that I have so many! Please tell me how crazy you think I am because,... I like just met you 23 seconds ago.

So for a good laugh this morning here is my top 10 things people say to me when they find out I have 7 kids and what I reply (in my head) Because for the record, I always just smile back (With the exception to number 10)....Counting down to my all time favs!

10. You know what prevents that, right? 
No?(then I make confused face)

9. Are you Catholic?
Seriously, How many damn Catholics nowadays are having 7 kids? I mean, I am sure there has got to be some kind of poll or census or something, but I doubt they are topping the charts over about 4....Really...Besides the family on TV with like 33 kids is anyone else doing this because of faith? Anyone, Bueller....Bueller?

and for the record my kids have never ever all smiled at the same time for a family pic...

8. Are there any multiples?
NO! I was pregnant like almost 7 years of my life....no really...people graduate from college faster than the time it took me to create all my children. Drink you latte and quit looking at me.

7. I bet it is so fun! (smiles with thumbs up look in their eyes)
Uh, what are you on? Fun? There are definitely fun moments to be sure, but for the most part it is routine and running. So much running!....Just call me Forrest, Forrest Gump.

that is me and my brood

6. Do you ever get any time alone?
I'm at the grocery store, aren't I! Oh, you mean, time alone to relax? Bwaha! Bwahahahaha..... Bwahahahahahahahah!!!! Oh, my aching side!

5. I bet your grocery bill is CRAZY!
I know most all the checkout gals/gents at Target, Walmart, and Price Chopper by name. I have one girl who saves the coffee,formula and diaper coupons at the register for me. I have to take 2 trips a week and fill my car up both times. I don't look at the bill....I choose ignorance and bliss!

4. You don't look old enough to have that many kids.
Thanks?....I discovered the fountain of youth which is a stocking cap, no makeup, and some Vans.....grubby teen or mother of 7, you decide.

3.Are they all yours?
Who says that? Yes they are all mine. I just said I had 7 kids....Oh you mean did I birth them all....next question.

2. Did you HAVE ALL of them?
Don't look at me with that cast of terror in your eyes...yes, I had all of them....I even had them with out pain meds (first birth excluded)...How do you like me now? Oh, sorry, you are still uncomfortable for me.

and the most often and best response....

1. I can hardly manage my 1 (2, 3...) child!
Did I say I was managing anything? I am hangin' on by a thread! Besides....no matter what or how many children any of us have, it is just a game of trial and error...seriously, I bet you are doing a great job! Look at your snot-faced rugrat gazing at you in adoration!

So there you have it....my top ten things people say to me when they hear I have 7 kids! Hope you enjoyed and keep up the good fight friends....because being a parent is not for the weak of heart! 

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